G R O W T H * M A R K E
T S *
S T R A T E G I E S |
& Services,
7042 Hemlock St, Hanover Park, IL. 60133
The Firm: 630-372-6652
Your Business Positioning Source including: Creation / Development / Expansion/ Enabling / Support / Re-structuring / Implementations / Collaboration /
Consolidation / Integration / Maintaining / Support / Relationships and also supportive Specialized Knowledge on Corporate-, Medium-, Small- Business Level
and for Organizations, Groups and Individuals
Knowing of Specialized ‘What and Why’ * Growth * Managing * Maintaining
By methods of:
Faster * Cheaper - also - Easier * Smarter * Revenue Growing and in Fit to our Current Economy
Compex Business Expansion & Services, Inc. is a business Firm that
applies its knowledge and capabilities of various methods in the area of revenue growth
and operations for
its Clients based on creative solutions, strategic Business Modeling and their Implementations. It serves all who look for progress in their endeavors
or experience difficulties.
The Firm also specializes in IMPROVING its clients’ LIFESTYLE in many ways.
The Firm addresses needs and operational and business functions on the level of Corporate America (Fortune 100 Level) and Financial (Venture Capital
Investment) level - through its accumulated over many years’ experience in these fields and through
constant research, analysis and creation of strategies – and also offers Specialized Business and Personal Knowledge and Education as a part of so called
Specialized Knowledge in fit to needs of: Medium-, Small-Business, Organizations, Groups
and on Individuals Level in many ways.
The firm also addresses: special requests and also adversities that are a result of domestic and international economic pressures, constraints
and dependencies standing on the way to meet objectives, challenges DESTRUCTIVE trends and changes, builds in response to that - competitive structures,
strategies and solutions based on collaboration and cooperation and concentrates on delivering results.
Overall, our Firm focuses on FIVE areas that are the most important to all: (1) Making/Earning Money, (2) Business Dev., Growth and Operations,
(3) Improvement in Lifestyle, (4) Specialized Business and Personal Knowledge Education, and (5) all Everyday Business and Personal Matters presented
to the Firm
in attendance to its Clients’ Current and Future: Needs, Problems, Difficulties, Challenges, Plans, Aspirations,
(sometimes long unmet)
Dreams, Important Causes or Matters
or perhaps an
for your own
or its
Other Interests or Matters of Importance
on the level of: Corporations (also Fortune 100 Level) , Financial Institutions, Medium and Small Business, Organizations, Groups and
Our Firm
also functions as a Platform for supporting and helping directly and indirectly those who seek Better Solutions for
improving their Lifestyle for ‘as needed’- and long - term and addresses their everyday matters and endeavors also by operating CBES Community
where WE all collaborate and mutually support our individual interests and objectives.
Our Firm serves as a PLATFORM and aims to meet its Clients objectives in many ways. For that reason, proactive contacting
of the Firm ESPECIALLY in these economic and social developments is of
ALSO, the Firm delivers much more value for: companies, businesses, organizations, groups and individuals than the
website informs about. Specific strategies, methods and solutions are discussed ONLY during direct
CONVERSATION best if preceded by contacting the Firm by a PHONE CALL. Because of that, the Firm invites to present particular needs and
objectives for the purpose of exploring more possibilities and handlings in fit to specific situations, expectations and visions.
The Firm’s made available Value Proposition:
Through deep understanding of many past, current and oncoming dependencies and applying unique solutions
creates success on our clients' Business and Personal level.
The Platform for Meeting and Finding Solutions
Let's Meet - Let's Get Together - Let's Work TogetherSM
The Platform of Cooperation, Collaboration and Achieving
our Business Opportunity & Cooperation Bank SM
*** Firm's Major Value Proposition ***
Our Unique Market Value Proposition:
Our Market Positioning and Objectives:
Value of our Style and Approach:
Companies' Product and/or Service Offerings in New Economic Realities:
Implementation of Offered Values:
USA Economy State and its Impact on Your Business and Personal Future:
Communication with our Firm
is arranged in many ways: Email, Phone and Meetings. Because of the large number (in tens) of being received Emails from many sources every day,
for the purpose of not overlooking any important ones like yours, we ask to call us first for the purpose of explaining your needs/interests and
to also let us know that the email was sent out if that was the case. This way no important Email (and presented there Needs) will be unnoticed.
We also ask for the caller’s advantage when calling to have formalized presented Needs in the form of short paragraphs.
This is quite helpful for faster understanding of matters and also helps in faster developing of: Solutions, Strategies and Planning.
Business & Business Matters |
For Corporate America, Large Financial Firms, Large Organizations and independent Business- (men/women)
- Our Firm is is offering large range of insourcing of various functions in support of its Clients’ Business Operations and Business Growth in this space.
Please see the Profile of the Firm's founder and Section “Implementation of our Offerings” on this Page for related details. Please call and share your
Needs, Ideas and Interests.
For those who have Medium and Small Businesses
and are looking for their business maintaining or perhaps means for expansion - please present (by calling) your: Needs, Growth Plans and envisioned Handling.
It is worth to note that a lot of improvements in Business Operations and in Revenue Generation also bigger can be achieved much easier or at all in these times,
by Cooperation and Collaboration and hardly singularly. The base of all of in this case is your PROactive phone call.
For who are looking for their local Customer Base Growth
- Our Firm specializes in capturing or expanding for its Clients’ local (in the radius of about 10 miles) Customer Base. This extended
market share can be worth millions of dollars a year. Please present your situation and Needs in these matters.
For those who are looking for Collaboration and Support to GROW)
- Our Firm created a Business Opportunity & Cooperation Bank(SM) which serves this purpose. Please provide your: basic information, business needs,
type of collaboration sought and Advantages that you can offer in return. Please note that in this arrangement we foster rather very valuable qualities
to be interconnected such as: Intelligence, Initiative, Integrity, Trust, Friendship, Helpfulness, and Help and Support when you WANT to achieve something
or NEED something could be - BADLY – which could be seen as… PRICELESS especially these days!
- for more information for middle market needs. Initial details are covered over the phone conversation.
Our CBES Community of Mutual Support and Collaboration...
SM |
For those who have discovered advantages or are looking for ‘under one umbrella’ various types of mutual support
to: improve, make better, change or sustain their Lifestyle and to find out much easier ways and solutions to their of many types: current and
future sometimes urgent needs or problems - our Firm enables a participation in our CBES Community which functions just for that reason. Our Community is one of not many
if not the only one as such. Much more extensive information in regard that subject are to be received, if someone will ask for that or presents his/her needs or objectives
where suppoprt would be very helpful or useful. Helpful for that reason short Questionnaires are prepared to make the start easier. Also, meaningful Articles regarding
our Community, can be found below.
It is worth to notice and remember that such Community allows all to achieve much more, much easier, much cheaper, or at all and much more pleasant and is always in some way
WHEN WE ARE in any NEED. This kind of collaboration is particularly useful for current and already oncoming 'GOINGS-ON'- Economic and Social which no one living today has
experienced and may one vever do - but unfortunately these times has already arrived and are unavoidble. Plerase, look just on national debt of $35T nopt mentioning about
economic chaos that cannot be repaired, which goes on and which was created on purpose (and is constantly deepened on purpose too) by people from our Gov. Taking under
consideration what is coming and is already in front of us, value of Community such as ours is of the HIGHEST VALUE and cannot be substituted by anything else in the face of
oncoming DEVASTATION of hundreds of millions of people's Lifestyle towards POVERTY and elimination of Civil Rights guaranteed in Constitution. In this catastrophic situation -
it is good to realize that this is a fight for own survival and that "Everyone's life is in their hands now".
On just that road appears our Community - becoming the only help
what is WORTH of HIGH APPRECIATION. Also, what can be done 'today, 'tomorrow' most likely will not be possible, unless with help of our Community - that is how difficult
times approach millions. So, DO NOT FORGET what's above about, rescue your Lifestyle and request materials regarding OUR Community functioning and potentiality of participation.
Let's Meet - Let's Get Together - Let's Work Together
SM |
For those who are looking for:
Personal Mindset ‘re-structuring’ or see benefits of doing
and/or making happen that (it is today a necessity for making decisions especially important ones especially if you don’t like your
situation too much or you are looking for a change) or for own Personal and Business Development based on ‘Specialized Knowledge’ (including super important
knowledge which is understanding of surrounding all of us financial dependencies and manipulations, which effectively decide about ‘how you live’) - leading
to understanding of bases of your current and future positioning and as a derivative of that to better or at least decent and peaceful lifestyle and needed for that
decent incomes. Let’s remember that we all function in a ‘soup’ of lies, manipulations, taking us on and robbing us by which we all are surrounded
beginning from its source - people in the Government.
For that matter, our Firm is offering a very special ‘eye-opening’ Questionnaire based Conversations and SYSTEM Overviews allowing in many cases –
significant point of views change and builds bases for better lifestyle and income increase (with very low own costs) by intelligent (and legal) interaction with our
System and its significant Financial part. It is worth to mention that our Financial System consists of many on purpose placed there but hidden PROVISIONS that could
be exercised, if known what they are and how to do it.
This in not taught in schools – perhaps because of obvious reasons (only some are to benefit of that and govern and the rest must work for THEM), but one who cares
to know that, can find out about it, since all it takes is WILLINGNESS TO FINDING IT OUT AND APPLYING. Is normal living not possible any more then? The hard answer
but true is – NO!.
Are you open then for this kind of learning and NOT necessarily constant SUBSTENTIALLY sensless working? How do you think, the millionaires come to existence? From
working ‘overtime’ (as you do – perhaps)? If you are already on that path or feel you are not an Ignorant to this knowledge, you may be able to do
something with your life too. Money (they say) “does not give happiness”, but SURE help a lot on this way. Very simple example – imagine your life
if you just received $2 million dollars. Wouldn’t your life change (for better) dramatically - INSTANTLY? Think about your Dreams and Desires or just about how you
would like to change your daily life. So, if you are constantly learning (especially the Specialized Knowledge) you will ALWAYS be on the ‘right path’ of
having higher or high chances to accomplish your objectives but that requires just one thing – replacing your current Information in your head (that in many
cases positioned you where you are at now)by Information that ‘can get you’ where you want to find yourself. Simple. Once again – isn’t possible
to live normally? The answer is – NO! Moreover, one has to see him/her self as a corporation and act accordingly - have you ever thought about it? Well, there is
much more to know. Our Firm helps quite significantly on this path as well.
Another path is a matter of realizing own endeavors. On that path our Firm and the organized by our Firm Community also serves very well since both of them exist mainly for that reason.
Special Services |
For those who like, prefer or are looking for Luxury Personal and/or Cargo Transportation that provides: Comfort, Style of moving around, Pleasure, Convenience, Security and Discretion
- Our Firm offers just that in the form of CHARTER. For Personal Transportation there is a Beautiful and Comfortable Pearl Escalade and for Cargo Transportation
(especially valuable cargo) - Beautiful, Big, Red, Comfortable and Powerful (good to pull any trailer), 1T Silverado "Big Dooley" truck. Transportation by both
vehicles is of ‘any distance any time’ but only for known clients. We ask to call and present your transportation Preferences and Needs and after brief evaluation
of your request may consider providing this service to your liking.
Supportive Articles & Services' Summaries |
For those who prefer reading of Executive Summaries and/or short Expanding Understandings Articles
- Our Firm offers a constantly being updated List of relevant Reading Materials that present ‘Areas of Interest’ that serve to improve your Business and Personal positioning.
Some of them are informational and some require some deep realizations. A lot more and easier can be achieved by using better or different methods, by expanding Vision on better
solutions and by Working Together. Our Firm functions just for this purpose. Let’s remember that everyone tries to arrive to their best solutions based on what he/she knows and
is capable to do and that there is also much more to know on more effective handlings or many of other capabilities are needed to achieve easier or more or at all and also to
AVOID LOSING. All begins from making a simple phone call to our Firm and presenting your own situation and Needs/Objectives. Made available here materials help greatly on this path.
Let’s note also: Collaboration Makes Wonders and it is often outside of our so called Comfort Zone what often blocks our path to what we very much prefer or desire.
Overcoming this self-created limitation opens a Gate to much greater solutions and achievements. Our Firm also serves this objectives and in many ways.
Schedule of Meetings:
Impoprtant Articles of Our Community Activities:
Impoprtant Articles of 'To Know' Nature:
Poster-style Summaries of our Firm’s Offerings: