G R O W T H    *    M A R K E T S     *    S T R A T E G I E S

Compex Business Expansion & Services, Inc.
 7042 Hemlock St, Hanover Park, IL. 60133
Voice: 630-372-6652
Fax: 630-372-6653, E-mail: amorawski@compexbes.com 

Top of / Szczyt: E N G L I S H    V E R S I O N    /    A N G I E L S K A   W E R S J A

Business / Employment – Your Business Positioning Source including: Creation / Development / Expansion/ Enabling / Support / Re-structuring / Implementations / Collaboration / Consolidation / Integration / Maintaining / Support / Relationships and also supportive Specialized Knowledge on Corporate-, Medium-, Small- Business Level and for Organizations, Groups and Individuals

Better * Faster * Cheaper - also - Easier * Smarter * Revenue Growing and in Fit to our Current Economy

Value of our Style and Approach

In this more and more deceitful world or perhaps its much smaller part that creates these trends and imposes them on others for their own benefit by the method ‘on backs of others’, we here recognize that and saying simply – their wrongfulness and declare different – almost already forgotten normal/basic values that serve for making life - happy and fulfilling which are also the base of everything what we do here at the Firm and together.

¨       We choose to be: Honest, Understanding of Others, Straightforward, Helpful to one another and Caring for others as we would like to be cared for (or sometimes perhaps better than that).

¨       In what we do we choose to be: Reliable, Loyal, Professional and Responsible and we choose to: treat people with respect and care.

This is the spirit of everything what we do here in the Firm which also includes all who interact in any way with our Firm since true happiness can ONLY be achieved – THIS WAY – which value is irreplaceable and which we wish all who choose to be with the Firm to make their and all lives better and happier.

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